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Xiamen Port awarded APSN Green Port Award

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: October 27, 2023


A view of Xiamen Port. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

The APEC Port Service Network (APSN) held a forum about the development of innovative ports that will help forge a low-carbon and digitized future in Bangkok, Thailand on Oct 24. 

During the forum, Xiamen Container Terminal Group, a subsidiary of Xiamen Port Holding Group, was conferred the 2023 APSN Green Port Award in recognition of the exceptional sustainability measures it has taken, indicating that Xiamen Port's green port construction level has risen to be among the best in Asia. 

The Xiamen Container Terminal Group is the first company in China to win this award, which operates six container terminals in Xiamen Port: Haitian Terminal, Hairun Terminal, Haitong Terminal, Songyu Terminal, International Container Terminal, and Xinhaida Terminal.

The Xiamen Container Terminal Group has been keenly focused on constructing multimodal transport hubs and promoting transshipments at sea. By optimizing transportation routes and modes, the group minimizes unnecessary transportation and transshipment activities. 

This effectively reduces carbon emissions from logistics transportation.

Going forward, the group will continue to strive towards the goal of building a "zero-carbon port", taking the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of constructing an international container hub.  


The Xiamen Container Terminal is honored with the title of APSN Green Port for 2023. [Photo/Wechat account: xiamenport]