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Xiamen FTZ releases logo

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: September 6, 2023


The logo of the Xiamen Area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone was officially unveiled on Sept 5. [photo/WeChat account: gh_6233022b6145]

The Xiamen Area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone officially unveiled its logo on Sept 5. 

The logo, designed by Li Shuang and Zeng Qingli from Xiamen University of Arts and Crafts, features the shapes of egrets, phoenix flowers and white dolphins, which represent Xiamen. The overall shape looks like waves, sails, and sparkling seas, showing the vitality of the Xiamen FTZ.

"The logo demonstrates the Xiamen Free Trade Zone's courage to stand at the forefront and forge ahead in the reform and opening up of the new era," said He Dongning, director of the Management Committee of Xiamen FTZ. 

The Xiamen FTZ will continue to promote reform and innovation and make greater contributions to Xiamen's development into a node city with a new development pattern and its efforts to lead socialist modernization, He said.