Home > Specialized Industrial Parks>Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District FTZ Pilot Zone

Xiamen FTZ enhances business-law integration to serve BRI

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: August 30, 2023


The Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District FTZ Pilot Zone in the Xiamen Free Trade Zone. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen Free Trade Zone]

The Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District FTZ Pilot Zone in Xiamen has been exploring the business-law integration ecosystem to better serve Xiamen as a node city involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.

"As an important node city involved in the BRI, Xiamen requires international and professional legal services," said Lu Hailin, deputy director of the administrative committee of the Xiamen Free Trade Zone. "We use market-oriented means to convince a variety of business entities, including arbitration service agencies, international investment and trade legal service agencies, and guarantee service agencies, to participate in the development of the FTZ."

The Sea World, a business complex in the Xiamen FTZ, is becoming a legal affairs base for projects related to the Belt and Road Initiative. 

After just one year, the Sea World has attracted a full range of legal entities and services such as law firms, arbitration, notarization, intellectual property, and finance. 

In September, the Maritime Silk Road International Legal Business Integration Service Base will start operating in the pilot zone.

The consummation of international legal services has accelerated the concentration of international institutions, corporate headquarters, and high-end projects in the Xiamen FTZ, Lu said. 

The goal of the Xiamen FTZ is to continue creating an attractive business environment that is market-oriented, ruled by law, and internationalized, focusing on high-end elements such as shipping, finance, legal affairs, and pan-legal services, and building an international legal operation platform and supply-side protection for intellectual property, Lu added.