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Freight trains connect Xiamen, Europe

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: August 21, 2023


A China-Europe (Xiamen) Railway Express freight train departs from Xiamen, East China's Fujian province on Aug 15. [Photo/people.cn]

Since it started operating on Aug 16, 2015, the China-Europe (Xiamen) Railway Express has transported a total of 105,000 TEUs of goods to 30 cities in 12 countries including Poland, Hungary, Germany and Russia. 

The transported goods, worth a total of 31 billion yuan ($4.25 billion), include over 1,000 kinds of products such as electronics, machinery, daily necessities, food and wood.

The China-Europe (Xiamen) Railway Express is a landmark achievement of the Belt and Road Initiative. It has helped create a seamless international logistics channel that connects the Maritime Silk Road and the Silk Road on land.

Via the express, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and other neighboring countries and regions are able to arrange transportation through Xiamen, cutting transportation time from over 30 days to 20 days.

To ensure the express operates smoothly and Xiamen Port's customs clearance is efficient, the city's customs authorities are continuously making efforts to improve policies, streamline administration and optimize transport efficiency.