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CIFIT preparations in full swing

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: August 17, 2023

Preparations for the 23rd China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT), which will take place from Sept 8 to 11, are in full swing. To date, nearly 500 domestic and international business groups have registered to participate in the annual gathering.

With the permanent theme of "Expanding two-way investment, promoting global development" and the annual theme of "Openness and integration leads high-quality development", the event aims to serve as a public platform for international investment and share investment opportunities brought about by China's modernization, opening-up and integration.

"The 23rd CIFIT fully demonstrates China's firm determination to promote high-level opening-up and its willingness to work with other countries to build an open world economy. It will boost confidence among global investors and promote the stable growth of global investment," said CIFIT's organizing committee.

This year's CIFIT has set up an innovative Global Cooperation Zone, showcasing achievements and practical examples of implementing global development initiatives in the field of economy and trade. More than 40 countries, regions and international organizations intend to participate in the exhibition.

Representatives from international organizations and institutions such as UNCTAD, UNIDO, OECD, WAIPA, ESCAP and ITC will be invited to the CIFIT.

This year's CIFIT will also release a number of investment reports, including the Two-Way Investment Report on China 2023.

The main event of the CIFIT, the 2023 International Investment Forum, will include a range of sessions and supporting activities. It will enable foreign-funded companies to learn more about China's business environment and seize development opportunities in the country.

The CIFIT will feature an exhibition as well, highlighting various sectors such as intelligent manufacturing, digital economy, green and low carbon manufacturing, new energy and materials, sports and fashion.