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Xiamen hosts cross-Strait art exhibition

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: August 8, 2023

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A cross-Strait fine art exhibition opens on Aug 5 during the 14th Cross-Strait (Xiamen) Cultural Industries Fair. The exhibition is showcasing pieces from 20 artists from Taiwan and the Chinese mainland centered around the theme of "homesickness". These works highlight the deep connection shared between individuals from both regions. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen Free Trade Zone]


A painting by Xu Li on display at the cross-Strait fine art exhibition. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen Free Trade Zone]

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Zhao Shengli's artwork is being showcased at the cross-Strait fine art exhibition. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen Free Trade Zone]

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A painting by Lin Tao on display at the cross-Strait fine art exhibition. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen Free Trade Zone]