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Xiamen FTZ creates China's first zero-carbon comprehensive bonded zone

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: July 14, 2023


A view of the Xiangyu comprehensive bonded zone, which is China's first zero-carbon comprehensive bonded zone. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen Free Trade Zone]

The Xiamen Free Trade Zone has always attached great importance to ecological civilization construction. In collaboration with Xiamen Port Logistics, the concept of carbon neutrality has been integrated throughout the planning, construction, management, and operation of the Xiangyu comprehensive bonded zone, which is China's first zero-carbon comprehensive bonded zone.

There are presently 55,438 square meters of green photovoltaic panels spread across the seven warehouses in the zone that generate 8.73 million kWh of electricity annually. These panels have resulted in reductions of 2,750 tons of standard coal, 8,713 tons of CO2 emissions, 1.4 tons of SO2 emissions, 1.6 tons of NO2 emissions and 279 kilograms of particulate matter.

Total energy consumption is expected to decrease by about 20 percent and create a balance between the internal carbon emissions and carbon absorption in the zone. In the future, the zone could achieve self-sufficiency in green electrical energy.

There are presently 45 electric forklifts being used in the zone. According to workers, these electric forklifts are more efficient that traditional diesel forklift and help reduce emissions. New energy logistics equipment such as electric pallet trucks and electric logistics transport vehicles are also becoming more common.

The zone also employs energy-saving lighting technologies and a warehouse management system that enhances it sustainability levels.

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