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Overview of integrated circuits in Xiamen FTZ

ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: March 27, 2023



The Xiamen Area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone (Xiamen FTZ) in East China's Fujian province is establishing a sound innovation and entrepreneurship environment for the integrated circuits (IC) industry by giving full play to the advantages of "independent innovation demonstration zone + free trade zone" concept, and is implement­ing the innovative bonded regulation mode of "platform supervision + services" for the IC industry chain.

It strives to build leading industrial innovation parks, a core area of the national IC "Xinhuo" innovation and entrepreneurship base, a pilot cross-Strait cooper­ation zone for the IC industry and a demonstration park for the integrated development of the independent innovation demonstration zone and the free trade zone.

I. Investment advantages

a. Pilot bonded IC R&D supervision

It is approved to carry out the IC inspection business through a processing trade supervision mode, and launched the first pilot bonded IC research and development (R&D) program in China.

b. Xiamen public service platform for IC design

• The Platform is led by the govern­ment and jointly built by higher education institutions including Xiamen University and Huaqiao University.

• It provides EDA tools, wafer found­ry, bonded IC R&D, failure analy­sis, wafer inspection, personnel training and other services for IC design enterprises in Xiamen.

II. Industry policies

• Measures for Further Accelerating the Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry in Xiamen

• Measures for Further Promoting the Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Platform of the Integrated Circuit Industry

III. Industry platform

• Xiamen Cross-Strait IC Industry Park (Kehu Industry Park)

• Anport International Business Center

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