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Xiamen FTZ implements trial measures for commercial entity registration

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: December 5, 2022


Xiamen Yita New Material receives Xiamen's first business license under the registration and confirmation system. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

The trial measures for the commercial entity registration in the Xiamen Free Trade Zone were officially implemented on Dec 1. 

Xiamen Yita New Material was the first to receive a business license under the registration system.

In the past, commercial entities had to seek out the registration authorities to handle matters related to the establishment of a business, filing of records and other services.

The new measures allow companies in the Xiamen FTZ to choose whether to use the registration confirmation system. Those who choose the registration confirmation system can handle registration matters online and will not need to submit procedural materials such as shareholder resolutions and appointment and dismissal documents.

The trial implementation of the commercial entity registration confirmation system would make market access more convenient, registration procedures more transparent, processing procedures more streamlined, and regulatory services more accurate.

A representative of Xiamen Yita New Material said that the company was able to promptly and conveniently obtain their business license through the registration confirmation system.