In the zone for rapid development
Premium service
Companies in the zone believe premium government service is one of the key factors that supported their business growth in 2016.
Technicians work on a production line at Foton, the high-tech zone’s leading commercial vehicle manufacturer.
The development zone has developed error-tolerance mechanisms to encourage officials to implement new ideas with the aim of accelerating the development of key projects in the city. The zone also has mechanisms to evaluate and punish officials and government employees whose productivity fails to meet the required standards.
In March 2016, the development zone required some of its more senior officials to establish direct contact with 196 key companies to ensure that they could react to businesses' requests in an effective and efficient manner.
Strong technological and financial support has also played important roles in supporting business growth in recent years.
The zone has established partnerships with more than 150 foreign research institutes and universities. It also attracted 30 professionals to the region that were named in the 1,000 Talents Plan, according to Hou Peng, an official from the zone. The plan was set up by the Chinese government to encourage high-end foreign workers to relocate to China.