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Cart Réduite de L'Ocean Oriental Depuis le Cap de Bonne Espérance, Jusqu'au Japon (Map of the Navigation Route from Cape of Good Hope to the East Ocean of Japan) Published in 1753 in France

Updated : 2017-03-17 LargeMediumSmall Print

In reprinting his first edition of Le Neptune Oriental in 1753, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'Apres de Mannevillette (1707-1780) the famous French cartographer implemented recalibration on the basis of observation findings of the French Royal Academy of Sciences a chart of the Netherlands and added a new map Cart Réduite de L'Ocean Oriental Depuis le Cap de Bonne Espérance, Jusqu'au Japon, that is, Map of the Navigation Route from Cape of Good Hope to the East Ocean of Japan. In the French map, three atolls to the western coast of Luzon Island of the Philippine Islands, were named B. Bolinao, B. Marsingola and B. Mariveles from north to south, but Huangyan Dao was not marked. In other words, before the Scarborough struck a reef and sank, neither the Philippines nor Europeans to the east had learnt about the existence of Huangyan Dao.


Cart Réduite de L'Ocean Oriental Depuis le Cap de Bonne Espérance Jusqu'au Japon


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