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  • CAPAD finances young internet talents at SXU

    CAPAD finances young internet talents at SXU

    Updated: 2018-01-17

    China Association of Poverty Alleviation and Development (CAPAD) and Shanxi University reached an agreement on working together to finance young college students who can develop internet innovation.

  • <P>SXU Party committee emphasizes academic management</P>

    SXU Party committee emphasizes academic management

    Updated: 2018-01-16

    Members from Shanxi University Party Committee attended a meeting to discuss issues related to academic management at Shanxi University in Taiyuan on Jan 10.

  • Shanxi merchants subsidize disadvantaged students in SXU

    Shanxi merchants subsidize disadvantaged students in SXU

    Updated: 2018-01-15

    A ceremony to grant scholarships to excellent college students from disadvantaged backgrounds was organized at Shanxi University (SXU) in Taiyuan on Jan 12.

  • 'Major Cold' released at Shanxi University

    'Major Cold' released at Shanxi University

    Updated: 2018-01-11

    A new film titled “Major Cold” which contains interviews with “comfort women” who were forced into sexual slavery imposed by Japan’s wartime army, was released at Shanxi University on Jan 5.

  • Linguist from Jinan University gives lecture at SXU

    Linguist from Jinan University gives lecture at SXU

    Updated: 2018-01-10

    Wu Wei, professor from the College of Literal Arts of Jinan University, visited and delivered a lecture at Shanxi University (SXU) in Taiyuan from Dec 12 to 13.

  • Shanxi University helps struggling students

    Shanxi University helps struggling students

    Updated: 2018-01-10

    A ceremony to mark the awarding of grants to college students from disadvantaged backgrounds was held at Shanxi University in Taiyuan on Dec 28.

  • Locals enjoy icy fun at Shanxi University

    Updated: 2018-01-09

    As temperatures have dropped sharply around the region, rivers at Shanxi University have frozen over, attracting many local people to enjoy ice skating and sledging in recent days.