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Xing Yue

Updated: 2019-11-18

Xing Yue is currently an associate professor of the International Relations Department in the School of Social Science at Tsinghua University. Xing, who was born in Taiyuan in Shanxi province in 1969, is also a researcher in the Institute of Modern International Relations at Tsinghua University.

From 1988-1992, Xing studied English at Shanxi University.

From 1992-1995, Xing studied History at Shanxi University.

From 1997-2002, Xing studied in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tsinghua University and obtained a doctorate.

In 2000, Xing headed to Harvard University in the United States, to be a visiting scholar.

Xing has years of experience in the study of International Relations Theory, Culture and International Relations, American Politics and Diplomacy, China-US Relations, as well as China's Foreign Policy.

Xing has published more than 20 academic papers and published several books, including How Culture Affects Foreign Policy: A Case Study of the United States, Introduction to International Relations and International Relations: Theory, History and Reality.