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Classical music concert hits the high notes at SXU


Updated: 2019-11-04

A classical music masterclass and concert was recently held at the conservatory of music at Shanxi University, also known as SXU, according to university reports.

It was jointly hosted by the Shanxi administration of foreign expert affairs and SXU’s department for international cooperation and exchanges, and was organized by SXU’s conservatory of music.

Performers included German cellist Hu Wei, who is an especially appointed professor at SXU and a visiting professor at the Central Conservatory of Music, and Joanna Sachryn, an internationally renowned German cellist.

A chamber orchestra consisting of students from SXU’s conservatory of music also staged a performance. The ensemble was established by Professor Hu Wei and has won many awards in provincial competitions.

Attendees at the event included Professor J.Manz, a leading international quantum chemistry expert, Professor Augusto Smerzi, an Italian optics master, and other foreign experts, who spoke highly of the concert.

Performers and attendees pose for a group photo after the concert at Shanxi University. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]