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Shanxi University and UNCC Confucius Institute hold council meeting

Updated: 2018-10-19

The 2nd Confucius Institute Council Meeting of Shanxi University and University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) was convened at Shanxi University in Taiyuan on Oct 9.

Joan Lorden, vice-president of University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Nancy Gutierrez, dean of the College OF Arts and Sciences and chairman of the board of UNCC Confucius Institute, Shi Shuai, secretary of Shanxi University Party Committee, Huang Guitian, president of Shanxi University, and Yang Jun, vice-president of Shanxi University attended the meeting.

Officials from Shanxi University and University of North Carolina at Charlotte hold talks at the 2nd Confucius Institute Council Meeting on Oct 9, 2018. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Delegates from University of North Carolina at Charlotte attend the 2nd Confucius Institute Council Meeting at Shanxi University on Oct 9, 2018. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]