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Taiyanggou’s colored leaves festival

Updated: 2017-01-11

Lushunkou’s Taiyangou, reputably known as Dalian’s "backyard garden", is famous for its autumn leaves. Areas of red maples and yellow ginkgoes bring radiance and beauty to the surrounding classical architecture. Every year, large groups of artists and visitors are drawn to Taiyanggou to witness the gorgeous scenery here and capture the seasonal beauty with their cameras or paintbrushes. 

The first Lushunkou Taiyanggou colored leaves festival was launched on November 15, 2016. It captured and celebrated the golden changing of the seasons, as this historical and cultural block was bathed in hues of red and yellow.

During the festival, various events were held, including marriage ceremonies, a fashion show, slow cycling race,  and a Latin aerobics show amongst many others, set against the warming backdrop of Lushunkou’s autumn. 

Here are some golden moments of Taiyanggou captured by photographers.


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