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Company in GUi spearhead quantum computing for new quality productive forces

chinadaily.com.cn|Updated: March 7, 2024

Editor's note: The so-called "new quality productive forces" is in contrast to traditional productivity and backward productivity. New quality productive forces are the contemporary advanced productivity generated by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep transformation and upgrading of industries, with the core indicator being the enhancement of total factor productivity. Nowadays, in Anhui, productive forces have taken root in Grand Union of Innovation (GUi). With innovative projects landing one after another, sub-funds entering substantial operation, and batches of innovative entrepreneurship teams emerging, GUi now is full of vibrant vitality, and a special column called "Hundred Enterprises Talk on New Quality Productivity Forces," will be launched, focusing on the high-quality development of enterprises in the area and jointly promoting the tide of economic development.

The Grand Union of Innovation (GUi) in Hefei, Anhui, thrives as a hub of innovation, catalyzing the dawn of new quality productive forces. This modern concept epitomizes revolutionary technological breakthroughs and industrial transformation, symbolizing a qualitative shift in labor dynamics and productivity standards.

At the forefront of this movement stands Hefei Micro Era Digital Technology Co Ltd, or Hefei Weiguanjiyuan Digital Technology Co Ltd, the Romanized spelling of the company's name. Pioneering quantum computing solutions for diverse industries, the company leverages quantum algorithms and hybrid computing models as it exemplifies the convergence of quantum computing paradigms. 

Through strategic collaborations with leading quantum computing entities, it provides cutting-edge solutions for upstream quantum computing manufacturers and cloud service providers.


The Grand Union of Innovation (GUi) in Hefei, Anhui, thrives as a hub of innovation, catalyzing the dawn of new quality productive forces. [Photo/Hefei Daily]

Quantum computing's profound significance extends beyond computation. It promises solutions to pressing societal challenges, from biomedicine to new materials development. The company’s innovative platforms integrate quantum computing with biopharmaceutical and material sciences, offering precise, cost-effective solutions and accelerating industry advancements.

Central to this progress is the nurturing environment of GUi. The company is located in GUi as 43 percent of quantum computing companies in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province, are. Its innovation ecosystem facilitates the transition of scientific discoveries into market-ready solutions. Through funding empowerment and tailored enterprise services, GUi fuels the growth of pioneering ventures like Micro Era, fostering a thriving landscape of innovation and collaboration.

Looking ahead, Micro Era charts a trajectory of growth from its Hefei headquarters in GUi. It envisions Anhui as a springboard for quantum computing industrialization, empowering local industries and driving national technological leadership in biopharmaceuticals and new materials.

As the partnership flourishes between Micro Era and GUi, and major entities such as QuantumCTek, it illuminates a path towards a future where quantum computing propels new quality productive forces, ushering in an era of unprecedented innovation and prosperity.

Monday-Friday 8:30-18:00

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