Zhu Lingjun, who created history four years ago by becoming the first visually-impaired student to enroll at Fudan University, is now continuing her inspiring story by becoming a special education teacher to help others.View All
Thanks to the sustained smooth operation of the car wash, many parents with intellectually challenged children from across the country have paid visits to learn more about the venture, and Cao is delighted to share its professional competence assessment system, training content and job assignment system with them for free.View All
Zhang Yongsheng and his wife Zhan Jingwen are both hard of hearing, and when they decided to have a baby, they underwent genetic testing to make sure their child would not have the same disability.View All
Thirty-eight college students who are proficient in both law and sign language recently completed their undergraduate studies in Chongqing. As new forces in China's efforts to improve social justice and human rights protection, these rare graduates are poised to become lawyers who can provide public legal services for the deaf and hard of hearing.View All
Thirty-nine-year-old Liang Jiangbo, who became the first blind person to earn a postgraduate degree from Beijing's prestigious Tsinghua University last month, said he plans to devote himself to helping more disabled people better integrate into society.View All